Thursday, July 19, 2012

Obamas friends.Our enemies.

Now THIS is true. Obama DID build that. He and his pro-Muslim, anti-American, anti-Israel administration most certainly DID know what their feckless, stand-off policy in the Arab world would bring. They had ample opportunity to publicly stand up for the people in Iran a few years ago when they were protesting against the government and crying out for US support for democracy and we did nothing. Then, despite multiple warnings about the Muslim Brotherhood influence in Egypt, he first threw Mubarak under the bus, and then when millions of young, educated Egyptian people were begging for support from America, the Obama administration did nothing. When the people in Libya wanted to get out from decades of Kaddafi oppression, we did nothing. And, to continue that trend, for weeks now, thousands have been massacred in Syria, and the Obama administration has done nothing. His intention all along was exactly what you see right now. And if all this isn't enough, you can BET the biggest prize of all, the one that gives him the biggest thrill up his leg, is his watching Israel getting squeezed more than ever before, completely surrounded by Islamic fundamentalist regimes at the heads of countries who previously had a tolerant relationship with Israel but who now all vow to see Israel destroyed, wiped off the map. Obama is a Jew-hating, Israel hating, low life piece of socialist shit.

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