Saturday, August 18, 2012

Two Choices. Peace or Peril

If you took government and money out of your life, 

What would be the biggest problem that you face ? you WOULD NOT have greed, anger, stress, animosity, selfishness, classes or religious differences, illness, starvation, jealousy, loathing , disrespect, torment, suffering and most of all FEAR. This is Free people. What we live now is a scripted, programmed, brainwashed, greed driven LIE. 

 Evolution is about humans not societies. in order to evolve we must break free from the chains that are the freedom that we were taught at birth. with out government restrictions and limits, the would be enough food and energy to feed, house, and clothe the entire planet. with abundance of work being performed by workers that enjoy and are willing to work not for money or debt but for personal gain and interest. image a world where you can have anything you need and want and be able to give all that you have in return. the quality of products would be better because there would be no need for profit or loss. This is our choice.
below are posted two videos. watch the first about choice one. then our second choice after. if you vote for Obama you are most definitely going to get video one and no more choices. if you are voting for Romney then there is still a slight chance we have time to choose video number 2. god bless ! 

1 comment:

  1. this is ridiculous. no one has an open mind anymore. embedded ignorance.

    Virginia Leander Slone likes this.
    Bart Adkins No government and no money? Sounds great. No wonder Somalia is such a happy place.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Gary Ibranyi will help you out with that. it is hard for you to understand how a world would work with no money. it is all we have ever been taught. money is and will always be a control mechanism. money makes borders that cause countries like somolia to happen. you are not even close to Zen. animals dont have money or borders and somehow they survive.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Stan Cocheo Gary, that's called communism. Communal living without government or money.
    54 minutes ago · Like
    Gary Ibranyi once again.... no government. no control mechanism. survival of the fittest and willing. you cat fathom it because there is no word for it . it is nothing that has ever been done before. the closest was the american indian.
    30 minutes ago · Like
    Stan Cocheo There are words to describe everything. Without any control mechanism, it's anarchy.
    9 minutes ago · Like
    Gary Ibranyi there will always be savages. there will always be some sort of law. the law of nature. good people out number the bad. you wont have to pay people to take out the trash. there are many willing to do it for nothing.... and like i said we willl never know because it has never been attempted. this country has proven that its system its not anymore credible than any other government system in history. it failed because we the people let it go. we lost period. its over jonny and you better open up those eyes and decide what path you wish to take. 2012 is about good and evil right and wrong for the entire human race. not just thus drained,corrupted,smouldering pile of satan shit country and the election of another puppet dictator. start thinking what it might have been like to live in the wild west.... its near my me. or just keep on giving in to the tit that you suck called goverment control. i am a man. no oe tells me how to live period. wake up.


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