This is what I don't like....
1. the fact that never in my life would i have thought that i would be facing the demise of the country in which i was born.
2. That I didn't pay closer attention when I was younger.
3. That I even wake up in the morning and one of the first things on my mind is that we are being watched and made to feel like criminals when we are far from it.
4. That the more research that i do, I still uncover things about what really goes on and what the government really is.
5. That there are people out there that are far more educated and intelligent than me, but do not see the corruption that is the world around them and that still believe that this is just a rough spot in the economy.
6. That people don't realize that we owe china so much money, that by right they can seize half this nation. And that china already owns 70 percent of our national parks, half of Vegas and Atlantic city.
7. That people are so caught up on the unimportant things in life while the real humanity aspect is washing away.
8. That the family unit is gone as with values that it taught.
9. Everywhere that you go, people are on their cell phones totally tuned out of reality.
10. That man kind has not learned his lesson yet in the terms of war and greed. we keep repeating the same circle of destruction and it is happening right now again.
11. The fact that were are all property of the corporation of the united states. not citizens and certainly not at all free.
12. that the government uses about 70 percent of your tax money to develop ways to better control you, manipulate the weather,start wars, fake terror attacks, lie about aliens and the magnetic state of the earth and the extreme solar flares.
13. That every single person that you think is running this country is simply just doing the job they were molded to do.
14. That people would rather text or voice chat than hang out in person or do something non electronic.
15. That there is unlimited energy to power the planet for free and basically make life itself free. free of debt. free of government corruption. And there is a group of people that solely have the power to feed,clothe and house every single human on this planet and the capability to give up the restraints on free energy.
if you you tube any of these it will lead you in different directions. just follow the evil and find the truth !
In my personal opinion, I would have to say that the human race is doing exactly the opposite of what we are supposed to. we are Devolving. turning into walking drones shedding their individuality and characteristics. we are supposed to be at the pinnacle of human evolution. the last step when we finally decide to stop the wars, borders,dividers,creeds and religious differences and come together as one peaceful planet and finally evolve beyond your wildest dreams. there is no death. just from one crazy ride to another.
I have nothing to gain by feeding you any information that is made up. i research source and articles before i post. I am here to get the word out to people. This country, this planet , needs a change. a drastic one. if we continue on this same path of lies and corruption, we will all be slaves to the new world order. Not just about Obama.....its about aChoice that mankind has to make. no one is your owner.
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