Saturday, February 18, 2012

more of America destroying America.

below is a list of title news stories on
from just the past few days. i will try to attach each with a link to the actual story. brass check is an underground news source devoted to make everything known that the government tries to hide. join their news letter   Blatant fraud uncovered in Maine GOP caucus    School takes student's turkey sandwich, gives chicken nuggets    No room for the Constitution or that crazy talk about freedom
   The strange places we find the U.S. Coast Guard 
   The War on Wages    United Nations assumes more control over rural America
    Is Food Freedom is for the Elite only?
    Revealed: Steve Jobs had 'Top Secret' security clearance for two years
   The government simply can't get enough of your money 
  U.S. Air Marshals: frat boys of the sky 
 Say goodbye to privacy: 30,000 drones in America by 2020 ( already here )
as i was typing this post while going through the various links, Someone blocked the videos to almost all of these stories. A few of my posts about nObama that may have been worded a little crudely, have mysteriously disappeared from my page. computer glitch ? i think not ! slowly is being removed are our rights.

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