Friday, February 3, 2012

Soros- Obamas pimp

I love the fact that President Newton is using George Soros against Vice President Romney . Soros is the root of everything going wrong with this country. he has taken other countries and ruined them. America is his current target.why would a demon from Hungary want to ruin nations .....only thing i can think of is world power. one leader of many leaders in a new world order. and why would Soros give Barrack nObama hundreds of millions of dollars for his campaign ? why did Soros start the whole Occupy Wall street? why does he also fund communists and radicals? why is Soros so interested in this country. Obama is doing what he is ruin this country by inducing fear, causing chaos, ruining our trust in each other. it has all been written. do your research on Soros. where and how did he become one of the wealthiest people alive.

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